Thursday, June 25, 2009

Builders For Christ - Thursday

Today started out with cool temperatures which increased during the day to the hottest yet - 95d outside. I can't imagine what the temperature was inside the building, but it was stifling in the rafters. We went through several gallons of gatorade and flats of water and bags of ice today, and workers came out of the building with their clothes soaked through. Lunch under the tent beside the church was hot, and I cut the song time short. That made it all the nicer when we started to put out dinner and found the air to be cooler. It's raining now at about 9 pm, and it's a welcome sight.
Some tasks were completed today. The vinyl siding on one side of the building is done. The other side and the front will be brick. Bill Gardner, Jack Nix and Todd Roberson finished installing metal furring strips so the drywall can be installed throughout the building. The insulation was delivered and moved inside. Work continues on ductwork and electrical with the goal of having the A/C operational next week. Lulls, or scissor lifts, are used to take people up into the rafters to secure the ductwork in place, and I learned it's really a good idea to know where they are in relation to where you are at all times! I don't know if walking under one of those is as unlucky as walking under a ladder, but I looked up a lot when I was in the building today!
Some of the Thomasville Road BC crew will stay another week to continue work on the system. I continue to be amazed at the things a group of strangers who get together for a week to work toward a common goal can accomplish. That includes the kitchen crew, who work together for one week preparing 3 meals a day for - in our case - up to 70 people, serving the meals with cooperation and willing spirits. Linda set aside a devotional and prayer time each day which made our experience more than just working together. The fellowship is what we will carry away when we leave. Those who come back for other builds may meet again, and that is one of the "perks" of the BFC experience.
We'll work tomorrow morning and head out after lunch. Since I have been using Bill Smith's laptop (thanks, Bill), I probably won't write another entry tomorrow. I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into a BFC project, maybe even enough to go on a BFC team yourself one day. I've enjoyed writing it, although it's really a challenge to try to put the experience into words. Check our church website in a couple a weeks for more pictures:>Online Resources>Photo Galleries
I pray everyone has a safe journey - see you soon!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Builders For Christ - Wednesday

Today was a learning day, at least for me. At breakfast prep, we were fixing fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, oatmeal and grits. Linda had to go to the grocery, and everyone else was busy, so I offered to make grits, even though I don't cook grits. I can read the instructions on the side of the bag, right? When I said that I wasn't experienced with grits, I got lots of instructions. Unfortunately, some were contradictory, like keep the water boiling/turn the heat down; stir constantly/stir occasionally; lid off/lid partly on - you get the picture. But God must like grits (and me), because it turned out fine. Thanks, Lord.
Today's temperature hit 91 by midday, and it was very hot in the sanctuary. We went through about 6 cases of water, four bags of ice to cool down the water, and several gallons of gatorade.
The ductwork is coming along, as are preparations for A/C. Ohio has some interesting code regulations. Overhead drywall cannot be attached directly onto studs, so metal stips must be installed to hold the drywall. Sheetrock can be used for exterior walls and vinyl siding is attached to it - fire code. Since the building is attached to an adjacent older building, plywood can't be used. It's pretty labor intensive, but has to be done. Tomorrow is inspection for framing and rough electrical, which must be completed before drywall can be installed.
The roof is finished - hurrah! Bill Smith, Ben Hart, and Tim Barry even completed a gable vent that not even the contractor onsite could figure out! Way to go, guys.
God also provided when one of the ladies from Peachtree City (GA) BC took a spill, but she didn't sustain any serious injuries. With three lulls going at one time in the sanctuary to do ductwork, I definitely look up a lot when I go in!
Today John Chafin was our guest chef, grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch. Ally Faircloth and Brittany Allen (Patsy's and Susie's granddaughters, respectively) helped lead the group in the hand movements for "I'm Bein' Built Up" after lunch.
Wesley Head and Paula Link are also making progress at their job site. They got the basement painted and the upstair floor stained. They had hoped to apply polyurethane today, but the stain wasn't dry. They've made other small reapirs to the house that provides an income to a church member as a rental property.
Only a day and a half left, but progess has been made. This church has come a ways since it was started from 2 familes in 1956. From meeting in homes, the church has grown to 300 members, and this new facility will provide opportunities for even more growth. It's a privilege to be a part of their vision - and God's!
Thanks to Susie Bell for the pictures posted today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Builders For Christ - Tuesday

Another beautiful day in Ohio, and work is well underway at First Baptist Monroe. The roof is almost done; soffits and vinyl siding are close to completion on the south side of the sanctuary; ductwork is being installed; many small jobs are being done, such as an area where a stairway was to have gone in the front of the church which is now a storage area. It's really hot in the sanctuary, and I had gone to take ice and water to replenish the coolers there. A couple of the ladies were watching the lull take workers up to work on the ducts in the ceiling, and we got to talking. They were commenting on the water and ice, and suggested that perhaps I should fill the new baptistry instead of the coolers so we could try it out, check for leaks and such...;-) In the heat, it didn't seem like a bad idea at all!
The kitchen crew was really busy, making chicken salad and tuna salad for lunch and chicken casserole, rice, corn, green beans, strawberry (congealed)salad, with peach cobbler and ice cream or banana pudding for dessert at dinner. Just before dinner we had 4 roasters and three stoves going, making it hotter inside with the A/C on than it was outside! It's been interesting trying to plug in multiple appliances without tripping fuses. We also have good help from Brittany Adams, who came with her grandmother Susie Bell, and Katherine and Kaylyn who came with their grandmother, Rachel Allen, from Thomasville Road Baptist. They've helped with preparing vegetables, making tea, cleaning up, and ringing the dinner bell.
It's really fun to get to meet people who share the common interest of helping through construction of a church building, and it is rewarding to know that I'm a part of God's vision for this community, and building a community of faith which will hopefully outgrow what has been started. Jacob's Well in Eau Claire, WI, for example, has outgrown the building our church members helped to build several years ago, and their members continue to go out to help build other churches.
Well, that's about all for today. Today's pictures are the kitchen crew and work inside and out. The photos yesterday were taken by Gayle Lawrence.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Builders For Christ - Monday

Monday - A long day,but not as hot as Tallahassee - 90d! Today was an organizational day, and we started early with the wonderful free breakfast bar at the Drury Inn at 6 am. Linda and some of the kitchen staff started at 6:30 on site with coffee, juice and breakfast bars. Work starts at 7am, when workers arrive and are assigned jobs. About 8:30 there's an on-site breakfast with eggs cooked to order, grits, oatmeal, biscuits, bacon, juice, and coffee. There are about 70 workers - FBC Tallahassee; Thomasville Rd BC; Jacob's Well Church, Eau Claire, WI; Peachtree City, GA; and our hosts, FBC Monroe OH. Today work was done on the roof, vinyl siding, drywall hangers, and duct work preparation. Welsey Head and Paula Link are working off site at a house owned by a church member who relies on the rental income as well.
Meanwhile, the kitchen crew sorted the items donated by WOM Group 1 in a kitchen shower last May, went through refrigerators and freezers, and "iced down" bottles of water for the workers. The kitchen crew had a devotional time, with Carol Ann Boydston sharing a humorous story about the importance of unity among believers. Lunch was sandwiches of cold cuts and "captain's soup", chips, fruit, tea and water with "pink fluff" and brownies for dessert. In case you didn't know, we eat really well on Builders, thanks to Linda Smith and her crew. I got to share our VBS songs, "I'm Being Built Up" and "He's Been Working on Me" after lunch in our short devotional time, and Richard shared an interpretation of Psalm 23.
Preparing meals for 70 people requires not only planning, but also food shoppping, and I went with Linda to Kroger's (they take Winn-Dixie cards) and a store that sells in bulk. The Kroger's here is like Wal-Mart and sells furniture and clothing. Work went on until 6 pm, when everyone came back together for dinner under the tent, spaghetti, lasagna, salad, and John Chafin's banana pudding (prepared by Paula Chafin and Glenda Schaumbacher). Thankfully, the host church ladies are doining clean-up, which lets us leave by about 7 pm.
Some folks are downstairs now playing cards or talking, and some are resting. Ben, Wesly, Mayfair, and Jim got a few minutes in the jacuzzi after dinner

Sunday, June 21, 2009

BFC Monroe, OH - We're here!

Sunday - The church bus arrived yesterday about 7 pm. Brent had arrived on Friday and Jim E. arrived Saturday by airline. The Nixes and the Schaumbachers arrived on Saturday and checked into the campground, and Susie Bell and her granddaughter checked into the hotel. The Heads and the Links got in Saturday afternoon, and Bill Gardner and the Lawsons came today. The Links have the best travel adventure tale - they had been at Mackinaw Island in northern Michigan, and crossing the Mackinaw bridge, they blew one of their 3 week old tires. After calling 3 WalMarts to get a relplacement for the tire they bought at Sam's, they thought they had a replacement, only to find after diving the 50 miles to the store that the tires had been special ordered and picked up earlier. They finally got a tire from another store - 50 miles away. (Apparently "A Wal-Mart within 5 miles of everyone" doesn't apply in the Midwest.)
The hotel is really nice, big free breakfast bar, comfortable beds, popcorn and soda in the afternoon. There's a jacuzzi and a pool that has both indoor and outdoor sections. My only complaint is that I think someone has smoked in our room, yuck.
This morning we went to church at FBC Monroe and met some of the church members. The building is actually ahead of schedule. We'll find out what the tasks will be tonight. Some of the Thomasville Road volunteers were there, too. They're moving to our hotel, as theirs has no A/C! (PS - It's 83d here at noon) After church we ate at Golden Corral , then disbursed to a variety of activities. A group left early to see the Red Sox play the White Sox in Cincinnati, some went to a local flea market, some went to the National Museum of the US Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton (, and some stayed in the hotel and relax. When Charles and Velma Lawson arrived, they had been to the Creation Museum in KY. (If that sounds familiar, it's because Lou and Shirley Dattolo volunteered there.) We have a meeting at the church at 7 pm to go over our tasks for next week. No pictures yet because I inadvertently locked my SB card and it took a trip to Target where a nice sales associate showed me what I'd done. (There's a little slide on the side of the card that "locks" it so that no pictures can be added or deleted. Who knew?) I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow to add. I can post text at the computer in the lobby, but I'll need Bill Smith's laptop to add the pics.
Thanks for the prayers - keep 'em coming!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Builders For Christ - Monroe, Ohio

As I read Lea Marshall's blog about the youth trip to Chicago I thought, wouldn't it be great if we could do something like that for the Builders trip so that the folks at home could get an idea of what this project is all about? So, Bill Smith got some sort of electronic widget that will let us load photos in his laptop, and we're going to give it a try. It won't be as clever as Lea's I'm sure, but hopefully it will be informative. Also, I've never loaded photos on the blog, so that should be an adventure
I'm leaving Saturday on the church bus with about 7 others and we should arrive on Saturday. The others in the group are driving or flying. Bill and Linda Smith left today so that Linda can go shopping for food and have the kitchen set up when we get there. Someone has to pull the tool trailer, too.
The church has a website at that has pictures of the construction in progress.

One more day of VBS to go, so I'd better get packing!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Choir News

It's official! At the church business meeting last night, Penny Folsom was unanimously approved as our Minister of Music! The church will also license her for ministry, as was done for Jenna and Rhonda. (This allows her ministerial tax benefits, among other things. Don't ask me what the other things are, I don't know.) Several people spoke on Penny's behalf. This has been a difficult time, but God has moved us through it and provided excellent leadership for the Music ministry. Our part is to be faithful in attendance and effort, and be supportive. I really believe we are going to have some wonderful opportunities for ministry in the days to come, and I'm looking forward to it! John Richardson is looking for instrumentalists. Penny is in the process of finding a pianist, so please be in prayer that God will lead the right person to us soon.
( I hestitate to say soon, even though I am eager to have a new pianist on board. There's an old joke about a young man who comes to God and asks how long a million years was to Him.
God replied, "A million years to me is just like a single second of your time."
Then the young man asked God what a million dollars was to Him.
God replied, "A million dollars to me is just like a single penny to you."
Then the young man got his courage up and asked, "God could I have one of your pennies?"
God smiled and replied, "Certainly, just a second.")

Our schedule for June has some special events as well as dates you need to
mark on your calendar::
Sunday, June 1 - "First Fruits Sunday". Fran is going to incorporate the
choir into his "musical sermon" which is entitled "Then Sings My Soul". Our
anthems are "Sometimes I Hear God's Music", and "My Song of Love". We'll sing verses from 5 hymns during the sermon, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this
will work.
Wednesday, June 4 - No rehearsal - Penny is going on Youth Choir tour
Sunday, June 8 - Youth Choir sings/ Sanctuary Choir off
Wednesday, June 11 - Summer Program Kick-Off Rehearsal for the August 3
"Summer Sunday Night SIng" and ice cream social. Invite someone new to come and
sing with us!
Sunday, June 15 - Father's Day - "I Have Felt The Hand of God" and special
men's chorus
Wednesday, June 18 - Regular rehearsal
Sunday, June 22 - First Joy sings/ Sanctuary Choir off
Wednesday, June 25 - Regular rehearsal}
Sunday, June 29 - "Battle Hymn of the Republic"/"America the Beautiful"

If you're reading this and you like to sing, come and join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm in the choir room on the 2nd floor Adams wing of First Baptist Church. We have a good time and enjoy learning to praise God through music.